Sunday, September 18, 2016

Author Blogs

Today I’d like to share with you some of my favorite author blogs. Most SFF authors have websites. The author website is a marketing device. Share a bit of information about the author with the readers so that the readers can feel closer to the author. Readers get attached and the author sells more books.

Visiting an author's site is a great way to learn more about that author. An author's site will usually have a brief bio for the author, information about the author’s books and series, and information about upcoming appearances.

Some authors also maintain a blog on their website. I am far more likely to visit an author’s website multiple times if they have a blog. The blogs are generally what draws me to their sites and keeps me coming back. The information on the rest of the site can be useful, but the blogs are what makes it worth the visit for me.

Five author blogs that I love to read, in alphabetical order by author name:

Aaron/ Bach, Rachel

Pretentious Title: Official Writing Blog of SFF Author Rachel Aaron/Bach

On strategy that authors may use to help give readers a clear idea of what kind of book they are about to pick up is to use different pseudonyms for different styles of writing. Rachel Aaron signals to the reader that the book is fantasy. Rachel Bach signals to the reader that the book is science fiction. Her blog generally deals with topics related to writing and the business of writing. The posts might be written by Rachel or her husband Travis and I generally learn something from reading them.

Cole, Myke

Myke Cole’s blog contains a variety of posts from contests to soul searching. He sometimes speaks out about things he feels strongly about. His language is not always safe for work, but his posts are always worth reading.

Dawson, Delilah S.


Delilah S. Dawson posts mostly about writing and being a professional writer. She also shares bits of her life on her blog. Many of her blog posts come in the form of Storified Twitter sequences where she shares writing advice with her followers.

Hearne, Kevin

Writer’s Grove

Kevin Hearne’s Writer’s Grove is a mix of posts about his work, appearances, and things he geeks out about. Although I do like to keep up on his work, I think my favorite posts of his are the ones where he’s geeking out about something. I also love it when he posts reviews of books by other authors. It is always good to see authors supporting other authors and his reviews are fun to read.

Wendig, Chuck

The vast majority of Chuck Wendig’s blog posts are not safe for work. His use of language can be creatively colorful or just downright crude. His writing advice is generally awesome though and well worth reading if the language won’t trouble you.

Do you know of any awesome author blogs that we should check out? Share your favorites in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Great entry, Robyn! This was very much in keeping with the spirit of my suggestion about looking at others blogs and talking about them. This was possibly even better because you exposed me to some people I've never heard of. Thanks!
